Are There Strategic Sectors?


Are there strategic sectors? An economic sector is strategic if it benefits from additional attention within national policies consisting in facilities for investment and various forms of subsidization. A nation will establish strategic economic sectors when is pursuing the objective of increasing competitiveness in the international market and cashing of benefit cost in economic areas of prime importance (for example, in the field of food or energy). For answer, it has developed a case study on the energy sector in Romania. In this sense were assessed specific indicators (level of energy dependency, domestic production of energy, the share of renewable energy, indices of structure of final energy consumption, energy intensity and the subsidization level of  renewable energy) in order to substantiate the strategic character of one sector of the economy. According to the adopted national development policies, States can approach strategically the energy sector, through funding and subsidizing it or can consider it as well as any other sector of the economy, without advantage it in any way.