Aristotle’s Business-Mean as a Panacea to the Ethical Challenges Facing Bread Making Business Organizations in Lagos Nigeria


Recent studies observed that most bread making businessmen and organizations in Nigeria resort to detaching the individual businessman from the organization, a move that allows them to thrive in the “business of making money” for their shareholders without recuse to best ethical practices  and to the detriment of the unsuspecting customer. This unethical money making mentality is observed to be responsible for the rising killer-bread cases in Lagos state. While employing the traditional methods of rational critical analysis in philosophy for interrogating the corporate philosophies and cannons guiding the organizations earmarked for this study, Aristotle’s Nicomachean theory of Business-mean is adopted as the frame work for analyzing the conduct of bread making industries. A high degree of ontological lack in ethical issues is seen to be absent from bread making businesses leading to a high disregard for maintaining ethical standards in their profession. A theory of “Business-Mean” is proposed as a necessary model which Nigerian businessmen and organizations need to adopt in their corporate philosophy for its capacity to help businessmen and organizations identify and adopt the “mean” point which exists within every pertinent business transactions. A frame work which will guide the pertinent decisions of bread making businessmen is also proposed.