Art therapy at Long-Term Clients with Mental and Physiological Burdens


Art therapy represents one of the young forms of expressive therapy that uses creation and the process of art making for the improvement of physical, mental and emotional state of a person, the improvement of emotional inner feelings that can help to resolve and manage the behaviour and feelings, diminish stress, improve self-esteem, support awareness and gain the specific benefit in the form of message, communicated by the piece of art, used as an aid in the healing process. In the broad sense it is used for messaging the inner-self, to announce or provide the person with a deeper self-understanding. The research sample created 24 clients, and showed the possibility of art therapy utilization through measuring the efficiency and influence on the searched modalities by the CORE–OM Questionnaire (Haeyen, 2015). The collected data try to prove the importance of art therapy utilization in the resocialization facilities for treatment of alcohol and drug abused clients, as well as to prove the importance and necessity of complex requirements for application of systematic, integrated treatment and client-centred therapy during the process of treatment.