Aspects of the Quality Evaluation in Organizations at the Sheltered Labour Market


Evaluation of the quality of the performance and production is necessary for marketing of every organization. Management watches quality and thrift of the production, reflects technical development into their production and services, it evaluates risk of the danger coming out of the complex products etc. The requirement for the quality improvement of the performance is part of the defined standards, complex methods and tools, which are recommended and used for the quality management. These methods have the same overall focus on the quality, but are different from its specific focus. E.g. there is the focus on decreasing the number of spoilages, or on decreasing the expenses, on finding the voice/requirement of the customer. Used methods and principles include also the aspect of employees as part as the overall quality of the evaluation of the organization performance; it is part of the employees performance, their management and also their satisfaction. They are the organizations, at which are not strictly possible to use usual methods and principles. Those are the organizations, which are put into sheltered labour market. Mainly, the organizations with the status of the sheltered workshops, which employ mostly the disabled employees. These specific employment conditions and connected character of the production also requires specific judgement of the quality performance. This text identifies the aspects of the evaluation of the quality and describes their realization within the case study in the selected sheltered workshop.