Aspects Regarding Maize Crops in Romania and Braila County


Cereals, cultivated plants on more than half of the world's arable land, are an important food source for population and animal and the base of industrial raw materials for milling and bakery, starch and alcohol production, pharmaceuticals, or biofuels. Maize, one of the most important crops, is the world's second-largest growing area after wheat crop, playing an important role in ensuring global food security, animal feed and adjacent industries. In Romania maize is the second plant as a cultivated area, ensuring the native agriculture the first position as a corn grown in Europe. The article has carried out an assessment of the areas cultivated with maize and of the productions obtained lately, the distribution of crops by national geographic regions, as well as the analysis of the main factors that generated this zoning. The collected data has been processed, interpreted and results have been obtained that can be useful to farmers and the business environment.