Aspects regarding the areas and conditions for wheat seed multiplication in Romania and in Braila County


In this article, the authors propose an analysis of the agricultural areas cultivated with wheat seed lots, of the obtained productions, the evolution of the number of authorized economic operators for local and national yield, as well as the conditions for wheat lots multiplication. The process of producing seeds to establish agricultural crops for consumption is very laborious and closely monitored by local and national authorities. In order to accomplish the work, data on the areas for this activity, the certified seed yield and the legislative requirements to be observed for the yield of seed lots were processed, analyzed and interpreted. The analysis has highlighted the fact that Romania has the capacity to produce quality wheat seed, which will ensure the establishment of wheat crops on approximately 2,000,000 hectares. The multiplication of these areas cultivated with wheat seed is done according to the norms and legislation in force, under the supervision of the National Inspection for Seed Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Under these conditions a certified seed is obtained, checked and verified with quality indices according to the norms in force guaranteeing the achievement of superior yields.