Aspects Regarding the Evolution of Human Resources in Galati County, in the Period 2015-2020


The quality of the work carried out by the human resources occupied in the production processes in agriculture as well as from other branches is valued by the level of professional training and by the accumulation of general and technical-scientific knowledge. It is necessary to include the labor force employed in agriculture in the processes of training, vocational training and information, consultancy, training of specific entities, to defend and guide agricultural producers on new technologies that need to adapt to the new requirements of the consumer market. People with training in the field, with a great deal of experience and knowledge, produce most of the economic goods.

The analysis of the evolution of labor resources in Galati County, in the period 2015-2020, shows that the active population in rural areas that is employed in agriculture has differences between settlements that are determined by the total stable population and its degree of economic and social development ;

- over half of the population employed in agriculture belongs to the age group between 55-59 years;

- the average life expectancy in Galati county increased from 70.77 years in 2000 to 75.18 years in 2020 according to the data from the Galati County Directorate of Statistics;

- the share of the population employed in agriculture is represented by over 90% of self-employed workers from individual agricultural holdings, to which are added the workers specialized in agriculture, engineers and technicians from commercial agricultural farms, the first segment being directed to self-consumption;

- the labor force in agriculture of Galati County is lower (23.97%) compared to the labor force in the trade and services sector (47.05%), industry and constructions (28.99%).