Assessment of Exchange Transactions in AUDUSD Parity by Technical and Fundamental Analysis


The technical analysis combines the influence of all fundamentals which are affecting a market in one element, the current price.  In the analysis of the fundamental indicators, the investors can analyze the changes on graph, knowing that the price summarizes each known factor by the market in the current moment. The price is the visible reflection of all the forces underlying the market, as well as and limbs and branches are visible parts of a tree while the fundamentals are the roots that nourish the tree growth.  In the article we used as methods the technical analysis with the help of technical indicators and with fundamental analysis resulted in the economic indicators. We used these indicators for getting an accurate possible future change of the market. The conclusions after using the indicators an interpreting them, we observed that in many cases on short transactions are more useful the technical indicators then the economic ones. Even for a market there are too many fundamental factors with which it could be keeping the pace in an appreciably time. In conclusion using both analyses helps the investors to make a safer decision on the possibility of placing orders, a decision that will have result the winning or losing. It matters very much the interpretation of the economic and technical indicators.