Assessment of the effectiveness of an innovative enterprise


The main objective of the economy (economic organization or economic theory of the system) is the most complete from the point of view of the results obtained and the most effective from the point of view of using the limited resources the satisfaction of the economic needs and interests of society as a whole and its individual members. An effective option for allocating limited resources is one for which there is no feasible alternative that is preferred by at least one of the distribution participants. Accordingly, an ineffective variant of resource allocation will be such a distribution in which there is at least one alternative option that does not worsen the situation of any of the participants and is preferred for at least one of them. Inefficient distribution of resources leads to imbalances and creates an imbalance in the economic system, while the transition to an effective option for the distribution of resources would increase the welfare of some participants in the distribution process without compromising the welfare of other participants If, under a certain state of the economy, no changes in production and distribution can increase the well-being of at least one party without reducing the well-being of others, then this state is called efficient (optimal) by Pareto. The purpose of this article is to consider ways to improve the efficiency of the innovative enterprise, as well as analysis of models of financial and economic indicators.
