Assessment of the Importance of Product Innovation as a Factor that Influences Consumer Purchasing Behaviors Illustrated by the Example of Convenience Food


The development of new products on the food market results from globalization processes and socio-cultural, economic, and technological changes. Dynamic changes in consumer needs, new trends, and increasing competition place significant demands on food producers. Buyers, having a wide range of food products with similar properties at their disposal, are more and more demanding; therefore, introducing innovative products in companies' offerings is the main factor that characterizes this rapidly growing market.

In the era of the dynamic food market development, it was assumed that it would be appropriate to classify, identify and organize the elements that contribute to the selection of innovative products on the convenience food market and to examine the impact of new products on changes in the behavior as well as eating and shopping habits of buyers.

Based on the research results, we can conclude that the main factors determining changes in consumer behavior under the influence of a new convenience food product include:

  • internal factors: demographic, socio-cultural, geographic, and natural ones;
  • previous eating habits (conservatism, traditionalism);
  • the level of knowledge about convenience food and its main features;
  • access to information and conviction about the advantages of products in this category.