Attitude toward the Development of Psychological Disorder Diagnoses Expert System


Converting human knowledge to an expert system (ES) was the aim of this study. The system covers the human expert in the field of psychology. This developed PsychologicalESprototype covers five psychological disorders, which are the most common in Oman according to the domain expert; these disorders are: Self-Deliberate Harm, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Dysthymia and Anorexia Nervosa. The system helps peopleassess their mental health by identifying the type of the disorder they may possess.  The development of such system is very valuable for conservative countries where psychological problems are still not given high recognition and importance, and health privacy, especially psychological health, is still a major concern.  This expert system is developed based on the knowledge acquired from experts in psychology medicine department in a local hospital; after the development of the system, potential users’ and other domain experts’ attitude toward the system was assessed. This paper will discuss the strengths and risks of this psychological expert system.