Attributes in a Movie Trailer that Constitutes Purchase Intention


This study provided preliminary insight into consumer preferences of movie trailers by reviewing and discussing attributes in a movie trailer that constitutes purchase intention in current works of literature. Such review and discussion are vital as a legitimate and successful movie trailer were claimed to have significant relationships in influencing moviegoers to go watch movies. This study is timely as it is already challenging for movie fans to gauge the quality of a movie before watching it. Thus, audiences frequently refer to movie trailers prior to making a purchase decision. Movies such as and Little Miss Sunshine and Juno are exemplars of movies that surpassed their producers’ utmost expectancies due to the use of outstanding trailers that eased promotion to their potential audiences. The key takeaway of this exploration is the significance of perceiving the impact stimulation and mainstream culture have in the millennial age and keeping this in mind when conducting future research on the topic.