Audio Data as an Encoding for Color Quick Response Code (CQR) 3D Barcodes


The goal of this paper is to discover and implement a method of encoding an audio data from a wav audio file format into a special type of Quick Response (QR) code 2D barcode called Color Quick Response (CQR) code which is a 2D barcode that has been extended into a 3D barcode system. The benefit of this research paper is; to show and explore the potential of using CQR code as a medium to encode audio files, which open the possibility to encode audio messages into a 2D barcode. By proving that it is possible to encode an audio data into a 2D barcode, it shows that there are unexplored potential uses for 2D barcodes other than just for typical Audio ID Date Capture (AIDC) uses or the more current trend mobile tagging, this research can also be a stepping stone for other future mass media applications wherein people can embed audio messages into 2D barcodes for mass media purposes. Utilizing 2D barcodes to encode audio data may also have the potential to counter audio piracy.