AWS-WSDL Plugin: a Web Service Description Generator Based on Profile Annotation


Users increasingly expect the Web Service to be dependable and usable, despite of their own profile, preference, needs and context. In this sense, discovering a desired and adapted Web Service by a changing user’s profile is becoming an emergent and challenging research problem. Therefore, El Hog et al. [2] proposed a new extension of the WSDL description that integrated user’s profile: starting by proposing a AWS-UML [1] to adapt user profile via an UML profile following by proposing a AWS-WSDL [2] approach. In this paper, we propose an Automatic Programming tool called AWS-WSDL Plug-in to generate the web services description file that could add nonperformance and context information in WSDL file. AWSWSDL Plug-in permits the developer to generate in a dynamic and transparent way the new WSDL file in a few minutes. This extension will provide users with a Web Services that are adapted not only to their preferences but also to their needs and context. Subsequently, we developed a Multi-view service to test and validate the AWS-WSDL extension.
