Bank Loans as a Source of Financing Innovation Enterprises


In addition to direct state budget financing, the innovative development of industrial enterprises is carried out with the help of loans provided mainly by large commercial banks. Due to the specifics of the sphere of innovative, high-tech production, banks, lending enterprises, manufacturers of innovative products face the problem of a gap between the time periods for deposit investment and long periods of lending to industrial enterprises. Overcoming the gap between the volumes of the assumed long-term capital investments and the bank’s resources, which are mainly short-term, is planned to be implemented in the following ways: by mitigating the Bank of Russia N4 ratio regarding long-term liquidity of the bank, contributing to an increase in long-term lending liabilities "; increased differentiation of interest rates and changes in other conditions related to short-term and long-term deposits and contributing to an increase in the volume of long-term liabilities; the development of economically sound approaches to the process of converting short-term cash resources into long-term investments.