Banks Needs for Predictive Analytics and Predictive Models in Cost Management System


One can only trust the numbers, like any other information, after its scrutiny. Data on our actions matters much more than data on our words and intentions. Big data is a series of approaches, tools and methods for processing structured and unstructured data of a large volume and its diversity to obtain human-perceived results. It is effective in conditions of continuous growth, distribution over numerous computer network nodes, formed in the late 2000s, as an alternative to traditional systems and solutions for managing database information in the Business Intelligence class. Big data is a proven, albeit relatively young field of technology that has spread to many areas of business and plays an important role in a business development. Big data technologies have marked the moment when the concept of “information society” has acquired a full meaning. Information has become the status of a valuable asset, a kind of new oil that drives the information society, just as traditional oil was the main resource in the era of industrial society. Big data technologies are vital for modern banking. Asset management, risk assessment, retention and expansion of the customer base – these are options unavailable to perform without training in Big data.