Innovative Processes of Products and Services on the Global Market


One of the ways how to achieve a competitive advantage can be an innovative approach.  As Beneš (2008) points out, given the ever-changing business environment, the most competitive company is the one that best adapts it or creates its own innovations. Also, for example, Loučanová (2008) stresses that "innovation capacity is currently considered to be the ultimate condition for competitiveness of all types of enterprises". These assertions also demonstrate the relationship between innovation activity and competitiveness expressed by the linear regression between the indicator of competitiveness and innovation performance of countries published in Bártová (2008). The main objective of this contribution is to found out benefits of innovative products and services processes on the global market. For processing the theoretical part authors used the method of analysis the primary and secondary resources obtained used for the analytical part of the contribution described the basic elements innovation, innovation changes and innovative processes and their evaluation. In the practical part of contribution authors use case study in defence & security in the Czech Republic, e. g. project and product description and product innovations, service innovations, marketing innovations and innovation in organization. Synthesis together with the analysis forms the basic thinking innovative processes are identifying new relationships and regularities in the research and development, production and marketing; those are supported with the human resources, finance, organization, information systems, control, maintenance and service. Innovative processes must be formalized and structured for the innovation generating and successful implementation in the dynamic of the today´s global business world. Deduction is a way of drawing new, some logical conclusions based on the already well-known, general facts, statements or assumptions cited in Lundvall (1992) or Freeman (1994).