There is a number of indicators by which a company can measure its value. In the past, entities preferred to increase primary accounting profit (Kliestik et al., 2020). The modern goal of enterprises, value creation, is achieved through the concept of economic profit. The concept of economic profit is very important for the current operation of business entities and just as it is necessary to know the most up-to-date information supporting the suitability of using a calculation of a particular form of economic profit, so it is important to know the availability and possibilities of obtaining information. Due to the large number of scientific research contributions on various topics in various fields, it is also necessary to be able to select the use of the most valuable and important works. Bibliometric analysis is used for this and many others. In connection with this, we point out this fact in the presented article to the bibliometric analysis in the context of the concept of economic profit. The bibliometric analysis we performed in this work focused on several important subanalyses. It was important to work with data from a database containing relevant and reliable data, and because we consider the Web of science database to be such, we extracted data for a selected period from it. By monitoring the data collection during the selected period, we found that the examined apparatus was the subject of 553 records within the economic area. We pointed out the interconnectedness of the most used keywords, the links of which can be seen in the network visualization. As part of the bibliometric analysis in this paper, we also provide findings on the most productive countries in terms of the number of published studies in the field and also provide the density visualization of the most cited publications through a bibliometric map.