Big Data is a New Cycle in the Development of Modern Science


In the era of total digitalization, the emergence of new scientific tools is logical and explicable. The concept of Big Data in post-nonclassical science is also a kind of scientific tool. In this case, reasonable questions arise: 1) what is the essence of the concept? and 2) why is the concept of ‘Big Data’ a key element of the new scientific system? Taking into account the trend of complexity, which also characterizes modern science, it is logical to consider two global scientific concepts in interconnection and mutual influence. This article discusses the concept of Big Data, both individually and in terms of complexity. This research is financed by the Russian Science Foundation, project No №19-18-00504 “Sociotechnical Environment of Digital Reality: Ontological Matrices, Ethical and Axiological Regulative Structures, Roadmaps, and Information Support for Management Decision-Making”.