Big Data Technologies Utilization at the Banking Sector in Developing Countries Influencing Factors


In the era of agriculture, land was the main production element. In the industrial age, steam and coal were the main element of production. In the knowledge and information age, data is the raw material of progress and the maximization of economic value. Big Data is one of the buzz words that are being used recently all over the world in the data management field (Parmer, 2013). According to shang.J et al, 2017 big data concept has been defined by many researchers which can be summarized into extremely large amount of structured, semi structured and unstructured data frequently extracted from various sources, which affects business operations in real time and improves decision making through mining insightful information from diversified data. It is seen as an evolution in the data analytic area with the development of new technological generation that is designed to extract meaningful information from large varied data. It reshapes the landscape of data management, from extract, transform and load (Kim et al, 2014).
