Blockchain-Based Software Solution in Business Environment: Application In Product Recall


Nowadays, digitalization has taken different forms in various aspects of life, from the way people communicate to how they handle their daily routines. In an age where everything is changing towards a modern approach, activities are redefining themselves to remain attractive in the eyes of the beneficiaries. Defining a society open to new trends and technologically educated is the essential requirement to be able to achieve sustainable developments, based on the latest discoveries. One of the most popular trends today, which the general population has begun to aspire to, is that of blockchain technology. People see this opportunity as a way to invest, to increase their income and to stay connected to the news. However, the blockchain presents many more benefits and it will be involved in many aspects of life in the future, as researchers identify different approaches to its applicability in multiple industries, one of those highlighted being the management of product chain. A sensitive aspect of product management is the identification of non-compliant products that need to be withdrawn, situations that are not being handled quickly enough, causing confusion, frustration or sometimes endangering the health of consumers simply because they have not been warned about the risks to which they were exposed. The aim of this paper is to continue previous personal researches and to emphasize the main idea resulting from author's own studies by proposing a blockchain-based solution which can reduce response times, costs and improve marketing impact in case of a product recall. Developing a solution using blockchain in order to automatize this process may represent an opportunity to instantly notify customers on their dedicated shopping application when an alert appears.