Blockchain Model for Fuzzy Green Certification of Business


The current paper present the fuzzy green certification of business as a component of the strategy to promote green marketing. Fuzzy green certification is part of the concept of life quality and is the method for examining a product using the basic human perception. This analysis is based on fuzzy logic that allows the processing of data represented by linguistic terms. To construct the fuzzy mathematical model of fuzzy green certification of business, the number and linguistic terms of the sensory perception analysis scale must be established. Each linguistic terms used is represented by a set of values in the range [0, 1], described by a member, generally to a set of three linguistic terms from the total set of dimensions linguistic. For the fuzzy fuzzy green certification of the business we used membership functions with a triangular distribution. Thus, the linguistic terms of perception with which experts appreciate the sensory characteristics of business varieties are transformed into so-called triplets belonging to three of the values of the scale. The triangular belonging functions were used in this model to assess the degree of belonging to three of the linguistic terms, with different weights. Indices of fuzzy green certification associated with business varieties are certified using a blockchain model that is an information technology that offers the opportunity to develop local markets for green business.