Bottleneck in the Process of Material Income


A key part of every logistics chain are warehouses. Each warehouse can be divided in terms of the movement of the material into input (income) section, a storage section (physical store) and the output section (expedition). Physical movement of material is always accompanied by administrative operations. According to the theory of bottlenecks entire system is as efficient as effective is its weakest point. This article deals with both material and immaterial flow in the entrance of the storage system, identifies bottlenecks of sub-processes, for which it proposes and evaluates corrective actions.Bottleneck or constraint was defined by Eliyahu M. Goldratt (Goldratt, E. (1999)), who created a method for increasing the flow through the system. Illustratively we can define constraint as a place with the smallest flow. It is exactly the place, whose maximal flow rate determines the maximum output flow through pipe. In the production management this analogy can be found, for example, in production lines, which build on each other several stations linked, for example, by a conveyor belt.