Bottom-Up Policies for Rural Development. Evidence from the LEADER Experience


In the European Union, rural development represents a major component of the financial support allocated to the Member States through the Common Agricultural Policy. Taking into account this reality, the analysis undertaken in the present paper aims to assess the benefits of these bottom-up policies for financing rural development through the central element of the local communities (most specific, through local action groups – LAGs and operational groups)In order to achieve this objective, our analysis will base its assumptions on a series of case studies taking into account the LEADER experience during 2007-2013 and the available European statistics regarding LEADER. We will also emphasize some of the pros and cons related to the LEADER experience in Romania, through a qualitative analysis based on the national MADR (Romanian Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development) data, including those referring to the members of National Federation of LAGs (FNGAL).  In the final part of our research, we will highlight some conclusions that might be helpful for designing the future rural development strategies of the Member States during the current financial framework (2014-2020), taking into account the most important challenges regarding global poverty and sustainable development at the European level.