Branding efficiency for providing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises


Ukrainian agricultural enterprises are in the process of finding their place in the agri-food market. To do this they need to position their products. The main positioning tool should be branding. The formation of the brand is influenced by factors of the external macroenvironment (political, economic, social, technological, agro-climatic), external mesenvironment (existing and potential consumers, intermediaries, competitors, suppliers, other actors of the agro-food market) and the internal environment (resource supply, marketing management, marketing complex). Each factor contains a set of metrics that determine the level of brand performance. An enterprise which is eager to be competitive in the agri-food market needs to take care of the effectiveness of its own brand. The quantitative characterization of the integral indicator of economic efficiency of using the brand of the enterprise was made by combining (summarizing) the integral indicators that characterize internal and external efficiency, on the basis of adjusting in accordance with the coefficients of significance of these components on the basis of the additive convolution method.
