Business in Fitness – Success or Insolvency in Romania?


The development of the facilities specialising in sports and physical maintenance activities is a global phenomenon, lately manifested in Romania too. The need for physical exercising, in specialised centres and under the guidance of qualified personnel, is justified by the increase of sedentariness and of the weight of static activities throughout society, by the maintaining of health and extension of the individuals’ life duration. The paper proposes an analysis of the development of sports activities in Romania, from the viewpoint of the development of businesses in the domain with NACE 9313 Code: Activities of fitness centres. The research focuses on the assessment of the concentration degree of the facilities specialised in fitness, from the perspective of the growth of specialised companies and viable businesses, of the number of employees and turnover, per Romania’s regions, by applying the Gini Struck method. The investigation conducted is useful for official bodies, educational centres and the business environment in the context of the sector development on the national level.