Business Models of High-Growth Enterprises in the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator Conception


The study covers the theoretical-empirical research on the structure of business models of high-growth enterprises. The essence of functioning of those enterprises in the context of the role they play in the economic structure has been indicated. Then, the fundamental definitions of business models and basic approaches to the architecture thereof have been described. The ideas of the business models’ structure were considered through the prism of the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator conception. The empirical analysis of the construction of business models of high-growth enterprises has been conducted on the grounds of the survey research conducted on a group of 150 Polish HGEs. On the basis of the research results, basic attributes of the components of business models distinguished on the grounds of the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator conception have been identified. The analysis results have proven that the studied HGE entities are characterised with similar features of business models’ elements.