Can Supervisor Support Influence Job Insecurity, Psychological Wellbeing and Job Satisfaction? (An Empirical Study of the Indonesian Textile Industry)


Job satisfaction is an important aspect that plays a crucial role in labour productivity. It may influence productivity through labourer absence or presence, which leads to the inefficiency of job completion. This research explores the impact of supervisor support on job insecurity, which is also affected by job satisfaction with psychological well-being as a mediator. This study used quantitative methods conducted by Better Work Indonesia that involved 1,016 textile workers in 86 factories in Indonesia. The result of this study shows that supervisor support can minimise the level of a labourer’s job insecurity. It also revealed the labourer with higher job insecurity tends to have lower job satisfaction as well as greater unhappiness. The data result emphasised that factories should not only focus on the physical working environment but also psychological conditions to enhance their productivity at the workplace.
