Capitalization of forest resources – analysis of wood products and the exploitation of wood


Forest management has some peculiarities that distinguish deep industrial production but also the agricultural year. It resembles, to some extent only with perennial agricultural production (orchards, vineyards, cattle breeding)i. The first and most important feature is the long life cycle of the stands. The second great feature is the multifunctional of forests. It produces not only goods (wood, various other plant and animal products) but also provides important environmental services for society (weather services, climate, hydrology, erosion, recreational health). And these services are absolutely necessary company can not provide any other type of ecosystem to the extent that makes the forest. A third feature is that the primary product, timber, shall be deposited annually in a thin layer on all trees. It can not be extracted from each tree, but is harvested by cutting a number of trees whose volume should be more or less equal to the volume accumulated annually in all trees in a management unit. A fourth feature is that forest production is almost exclusively due to energy resources and natural materials with very little artificial input (fuel, fertilizers, and pesticides) but important contribution of human effort. Repercussions arising from the peculiarities are vital and must be aware not only of forestry staff but the entire populationii.