Carbon Footprint of Outbound Tourism in Russia and Ways to Reduce it


The article presents the results of the analysis of the impact on the sustainability of the development of socio-ecological systems of the carbon footprint of outbound tourism in the Russian Federation. This publication presents the analysis of the quantitative characteristics of tourist services in Russia. Reducing the carbon footprint in Russia is urgent, as it is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions in the world after China, the United States and India. If the emissions of the EU countries are consolidated, then Russia will take the fifth place. Specific CO2 emissions per dollar of gross domestic product in Russia are 0.5 kg / USD, which is 1.7 times higher than the world average and 2.5 times higher than in the European Union. There is a systemic contradiction between the need to reduce the carbon footprint and its growth with the development of outbound tourism. An a priori analysis of the contradiction made it possible to put forward a hypothesis according to which it is possible to increase the stability of the socio-economic system by reducing the carbon footprint of the outbound tourist service of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the analysis, an estimate of the carbon footprint was made. The carbon footprint of outbound tourism was calculated for selected destinations. A quantitative assessment of the carbon footprint is given and a reserve for its reduction is established. It has been established that the socio-economic system functions more steadily with a decrease in dioxide emissions, with an increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the climate of the south of the Russian Federation becomes more arid, and the loss of stability of agricultural production occurs. Measures are proposed to optimize the ratio of outbound and domestic tourism to reduce the carbon footprint of outbound tourism. by criterion: the volume of the carbon footprint.