Career Development of Civil Servants in Romania by Promoting into a Public Management or to a High-ranking Civil Servant Position


Career management is a process that takes place throughout the entire professional activity, which involves career planning, personal development, creating a personal profile, and choosing the organization that meets the personal and professional criteria of each individual (Patton & McMahon, 2014). Starting from the career management process, the present study aims to analyze civil servants’ career development system in Romanian public administration, through promotion to a management position or a position corresponding to a high-ranking civil servant. The present research aims to contribute to the scientific literature by identifying the main elements/instruments that may impact civil servants’ career development and the possible barriers that can stand against this process in Romanian public administration. Considering the main goal of the research, the used methodology consists of an exploratory study carried out by analyzing secondary data collected from the annual civil service management reports of the National Civil Servants Agency of Romania and processed using SPSS software.