Case Studies of CSR Practices in the European Union


CSR practices are marked by two essential attributes: their voluntary nature and their extraordinary diversity. In addition, it is difficult to draw the fine line between mere compliance with the law, and those initiatives which exceed the legal requirements, giving social partners a guarantee that companies have actually internalized their social and environmental responsibilities. This article aims to restructure this vast field, following two axes: the rights and facilities granted to employees, on one hand, and consumer protection, on the other hand. In terms of methodology, we selected a sample of the largest 13 listed European companies, from as many sectors. We analyzed the content of annual and sustainability reports issued in 2009, seeking for narrative aspects related to social responsibility, and we organized the material according to the matters voluntarily described by companies. In the area of employment rights, several issues were identified: employee representation on the boards of directors, equal opportunities, professional development, and ethical issues. On the topic of consumer rights, suggestive examples were given on several aspects: healthy products, counseling, after-sales service and customer identity protection. The importance of this research goes beyond these case studies; its originality lies in providing a coherent picture of an area that is perceived as very unstructured.