CDMO Efficiency Improvement Mechanism


The issues of the efficiency improvement are among the most relevant and key in the economy. Among the main approaches to the definition of the concept of "efficiency" one can distinguish such approaches as resource-costly, efficient, resource-reserve, complex, etc. According to the author, the integrated approach allows us to consider the concept of "efficiency" most widely. Therefore, this approach was used to develop the CDMO efficiency improvement mechanism.

R&D activities (for new drug development) are characterized by such features as high uncertainty, long-term projects (up to several years), a high risk of negative results, the participation of specialists of various fields of knowledge, the complexity of completing a project on time, the need for many reports and documentation (DiMasi et al., 2016, Scannel et al., 2012, Schultz, 2013).

In the modern world, a business directly related to R&D faces many challenges. The main of which are protection of intellectual property, high competition, choice of effective management approaches, changing socio-economic environment, search and retention of highly qualified personnel. Therefore, the concept of this study was to create an easy-to-implement and easy-to-use efficiency improvement mechanism for all CDMOs; such mechanism will contribute to their organic growth and long-term development.