Challenges and Opportunities of Human Potential in the Conditions of Technological Breakthrough


Human potential is the main factor of modern economic growth. As before, human potential is the strong point of Russian innovation system but the risk of decline in its quality and of “brain drain” is high. In terms of share of population with higher education and quality of school education Russia is at the same level as the leading world countries. Quality of university education is getting better; Russian higher educational institutions are strengthening their positions in certain subject ratings. At the same time, negative short-term dynamics in the development of high-tech and science-based types of activity (amid internal growth) and negative long-term dynamics in the development of information industry have been observed. As digital transformation dramatically changes business practices, the success of digitalization is most dependent on one factor above all others. This crucial element is people: talented professionals who can use existing digital technologies and quickly adapt, using new methods and approaches. Without these people, it would be difficult for companies to fully realize the potential of the latest technological developments: Industry 4.0, robots, artificial intelligence, advanced data analysis methods, virtual reality and new digital business models. The digital transformation of a company can be successful only if there are people in the company who can competently carry it out. It is those people who can make technology work for the benefit of the company and create new business opportunities with the help of new ideas. These professionals will be the most sought-after and scarce in the job market. It is necessary not only to acquire new, outside talent to specific positions, but also to develop the digital skills of employees that are already working within the company. The most important thing to understand is how digital professionals think. The article analyzes the human resource component of business digitalization and explains the key questions that are connected to it: who is needed, how to attract competent personnel, how to raise the digital knowledge level of all employees.