Change in Recruitment in the Frame of Digital Transformation


The labor market changes constantly, for one thing, due to technological progress and a high level of digitalization.  The speed within business processes is increasing and companies are forced to react to this fact. Human Resources (HR) and information technology (IT)can hardly be separated anymore and, based on digital transformation, additional recruitment channels are opening permanently. This has a direct impact on recruiting and the job description of recruiters. HR must align to the new environment (HR transformation) and should contribute proactively to the success of the recruiting process. It is getting more and more important to recruit suitable staff at the first go and to have it appointed to the vacant position right away. False recruitment is time-consuming, creates anxiety in the ongoing operation and results in high costs. A thorough recruitment can ensure that candidates not only comply to the profile of requirements of the vacant position but also fit into the future team and the working environment.
The examination shall analyze and rate the recruiting process and the various recruiting instruments. Furthermore, it is planned to develop approaches on how HR’s of tomorrow must align to the inconsistent labor market to secure a sustainable recruitment. In addition, it will be displayed in which environment an efficient and targeted recruitment is made possible. In this research, the influence of certain methods and their advantages shall be examined.