Changes and evaluation of selected aspects of the quality of life of seniors in Poland


Poland, like most European countries, belongs to aging societies. In 2050, it will be in the top ten countries in the world with the largest percentage of older people, reaching 39.5% of the population. The quality of life of older people was initially only mentioned in the medical context. The aim of the article was an attempt to assess those quality of life factors that seniors consider important. Objective factors were examined, i.e. the material situation, the correctness of the diet affecting health and the frequency of social contacts. Then the subjective ratings of seniors regarding these areas of their lives were analyzed. The study was based on the subject literature and the results from two cyclical surveys: survey of household budgets in Poland and the European Quality of Life Survey. The results of the analyzes indicate an improvement in the income situation of seniors' households in Poland and a reduction in the share of key expenditures in disposable income. Since 2003, the level of satisfaction with the financial situation among Polish pensioners has clearly increased. Older people's diet departs from the recommendations of dieticians, and yet the self-esteem of health has slightly increased in this group. There were changes in social contacts. Family relations are loosened, but Polish seniors more maintain relationships with friends and neighbors.
