Changes in Asset Turnover Ratio during the Pandemic for the Visegrad Four Companies


In 2020, after the outbreak of the pandemic, there was no question that measures to flatten the epidemic curve would have an impact on all economic actors. Behind the measures was the protection of life, which is more important than anything else, but it has created the unforeseen circumstances we are witnessing today. In this study, we look at the largest selling firms in the V4 countries in terms of changes in the asset turnover ratio. The 2021 economic indicators will be published in the near future, so unfortunately we were able to examine the change in the asset turnover ratio between 2018 and 2020. We did not find any company among the largest market players in the study that did not show a negative change in this indicator, there were some that were less badly affected by closures, but they could not show any progress in this respect either.