Changes in Communication Patterns after Accrual Accounting Adoption – the Case of an Italian University


This paper explores the changes in the information presentation after the adoption of accrual accounting. The adoption of accrual accounting is an important institutional change that should lead to better communication of the performance and outcomes as well as resources that are at the disposal of the economic entity. The adoption of accrual accounting should lead to greater accountability reflected in the new approach to reporting. However, accrual accounting, especially in the public sector, is associated also with greater complexity of information. In this article, it is verified if the introduction of accrual accounting changed the communication patterns of the university in Italy. The case study methodology was adopted. The results obtained indicate that together with the reforms of the higher education institutions in Italy, including also the transformation of the accounting information presentation, the significant changes in the information presentation occurred. The university analyzed within this study reacted actively to the request of greater accountability and better communication and together with the adoption of accrual accounting, it changed the way of information presentation. The change in the visual forms of information presentation applied by the analyzed university deserves special attention. The new ways of communication via visual forms adopted by the university may be a confirmation for the standard-setters that their efforts concerning more accountability are reflected in the voluntary approaches to information presentation adopted by the analyzed university that can be a proof of a successful compilation of the formal request and voluntary acting towards better communication.