The Changing Shape of Sport through Information Technologies


The aim and focus of this study was to examine the changes in sport and with the sport’s stakeholders with the introduction of technologies.  The examination was conducted through series of interviews (n=36) and a review of the literature to gain understandings from three areas: (1) Professional players and coaches of professional players (2) Amateur players and coaches at amateur levels and (3) Spectators. The findings presented that players at the professional level are using various technologies such as GPS vests to manage workload and reduce risk of injury. With amateur level sport, technologies are not as prevalent and the possible introduction of technology was surprisingly not considered as imperative. Spectators, in general, considered that the introduction of technologies changed the dimensions of their involvement positively and negatively. The findings provide a basis for further studies and possible trials with additional technologies to further assist the athlete and coaches and innovatively enhance the spectator’s experience.