Changing The Reconsideration And Redefinition Of The Financial Effects In The Romanian Economy


Fully Financial crisis triggered in 2008 and included the entire planet Almost, turning into economic crisis year of can not BE Considered in terms of novelty economic and financial theory. One of the concepts that Raised when discussing the current service the financial crisis of globalization is that - economic and financial. In the fullest sense, one can speak of generalized globalization after 1989, marking the dissolution of the socialist bloc and the disappearance of antagonistic ideological bases. With this natural way for tendency to open the expansion of the economy (Soros, 2002). A feature of current economic manifestation globalization is its, his even as main instrument, namely financial globalization. The concept of financial globalization is not objectionable today, especially since the first truly global crisis in the history of the modern world is very concrete evidence to support the validation of its existence. Years in which thos 1989-2011 globalization is the defining aspect of has become social, economic and political world. Moreover, one can say for the first time that may be used for this term the purposes of its own, without exceptions. The term globalization brings together several concepts, as the development of suche global financial markets, increasing the role of transnational corporations and their importance in relation to national growing economies. As a tool for fast dissemination of economic, capital cam to identify with globalization movements as a phenomenon, so that we can speak today, with fully identifying another one, by financial globalization.