Charity Crowdfunding Effective Campaign: Indonesian Case


This study aims to investigate effective campaign problem on charity crowdfunding at one organization in Indonesia, using agency theory. SEM PLS was used to examine the effect of transparency on the intention to donate. A mediation test was performed to determine how transparency attracts online donations through website quality and trust. Furthermore, a total of 208 Questionnaires were distributed to a charity crowdfunding on Instagram. The findings showed that a donation cannot be treated as an investment. A weak transactional relation reduces the demand for governance in social organizations. Moreover, website quality and trust partially mediated the effect of transparency on the intention to donate. This study shows that transparency a is the crucial factor to attract intention to donate and has transformed into a new effective social campaign in crowdfunding. It is possible because donation manifests social or religious values in Indonesia. Trust may be formed from social values, empathy, or religiosity confirmed by a social campaign, hence transparency is a medium in social campaigns.