Child Health Investment On Early Age Marriage Mother In Rural Indonesia


In Indonesia, there are around 61 under-five deaths from 1000 live births in the group of mothers who give birth at less than 20 years. Women who are married at a young age tend to have low levels of education and little information regarding childcare so that it is feared that they do not provide complete primary immunization and do not give exclusive breastfeeding. In 2017, there were 26.91% of 20-24 years women in rural areas who were married or lived together before the age of 18, whereas in urban areas only 17.85%. This condition is a challenge for rural areas to reduce the number of early marriages that may hinder human development. Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of early marriage on child health care consisting of immunization and breastfeeding in rural using the SUSENAS 2015 data. Based on the analysis with logistic regression, it was found that women who married before 18 years of age and living in rural tend to give incomplete immunizations to children. Mothers who marry at an early age and live in rural also tend not to give exclusive breastfeeding to children. Inadequate investment in children is a challenge for human development in rural, considering the adverse effects that occur on children that not fully immunized and who do not receive exclusive breastfeeding. Women, especially those living in rural areas, should get the same opportunities as men to get the highest education possible in order to invest in their children's health.