Circular Economy In The Development Of Sustainable Entrepreneurship


The article refers to the problem of circular economy in regional terms. Circular economy is associated with deep transformations of production and consumption chains and redesign of industrial systems. It provides for the transition from the linear model based on the ‘produce – consume – throw away’ pattern to the loop model, in which waste, if arises, becomes raw material. This strategy makes enterprises search for solutions in new business models. The article presents the results of own research whose objective was to establish if the assumptions of circular economy are reflected in business models of small and medium enterprises of the region of Częstochowa. The formulated research questions related to the problem of designing, in accordance with the assumptions of CE, the practices associated with the minimization of waste and the use of recycled materials. The research was conducted using the ReSOLVE model. The results indicate a simplified definition of circular economy. The assumptions of circular economy are hardly reflected in business models of small and medium enterprises of the region of Częstochowa. Enterprises take actions related to the minimization of the amount of generated waste. On the other hand, the actions which are the basis for CE, such as the use of recycled materials and design towards sustainability, are not a common business practice. There are also no solutions aimed at searching for business synergies. The business in the analyzed region is slowly moving towards the concept of circular economy.