Civil Aviation Safety – On the Ground of International and European Legal Acts


Aviation and safety are inseparable as air transport could not develop without strict rules guaranteeing a high level of safety. The plane makes it possible to make fast and long journeys, and therefore aviation safety goes hand in hand with international cooperation (with different levels of advancement and effectiveness). At world level, minimum safety standards, whose observance depends to a large extent on the goodwill of the contracting states, are set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In Europe, the introduction of the internal air transport market forced the necessity to guarantee passengers a uniform and, at the same time, a high level of flight safety in the territory of the European Union. National regulations have given way to EU regulations whose application mandatory. Also, national regulators and voluntary cooperation systems between them (mainly the former Aviation Authorities Association) have been replaced by a Community mechanism involving national civil aviation authorities - the Commission and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).