Cluster Analysis of the Motivating Factors


The area of motivation reward and perception of employees toward the motivation effects area is unknown area yet. The motivational factors choose for research are: organizational climate, industrial relationships, leadership style, financial rewards, promotion conditions and personal needs. In this paper we presented the statistical analysis of clusters using Ward’s method to identify the motivation. The correlations between motivational factors and the hierarchical cluster analysis were realized using Ward’s method. The statistical instrument used were the survey to identify the factors which influence the motivational attitude and perception of staff to the motivational potential of managers. This article also present and analyzed the proximity matrix, for that reason it was calculated the optimal number of cluster grouping the 24 motivational factors that cover the motivational factors which permit to group theme into clusters. Each cluster allowed the identification of maximum and minimum motivation influence on the staff level. The proposed analysis of motivational factors according to their influence on the degree of motivation can be used in every company and served as a positive effect for improving the human resources relationship. Also the analysis can be used as a potential instrument used to develop and implement like a program to correct the motivational factors found in the clusters and identify comprising factors with minimal influence on the degree of motivation of human resources.