Commercial exchange of innovative and knowledge-based services with EU states. Case study of Poland


The article presents the issue of trade between Poland and EU member states. Its main focus is on innovative and knowledge-based services. The aim of the research was to identify the tendencies in the trade in innovative and knowledge-based services between Poland and the countries of the EU. The temporal scope of research includes the years 2010-2017. This results from the availability of cohesive and latest statistical data. The study is based on data published by the National Bank of Poland and the Central Statistical Office. For the purposes of this research, simple statistical methods, desk research, and graphic methods were used. Between 2010 and 2017 the value of innovative and knowledge-based services in the Polish foreign trade with EU countries increased. The generic structure of services changed. IT services and services provided by professionals predominated. Germany remained Poland’s key commercial partner in the discussed category. However, its participation in the Polish exports diminished in terms of innovative and knowledge-based services, while it increased in the case of imports. The development of Polish foreign trade, trade in services included, has a positive impact on the economy. Nonetheless, Poland remains dependent on imports, including that of innovative and knowledge-based services.