Communication Competence: A Key-Competency for 21st Century’ Energetical Managers


This paper highlights the central role of the an opportunity that Romania has at its disposal through the funds of the main research funding instrument in the European Union to solve part of these problems and the way Romania has actually acted.

Currently, when the entire world faces and economic and financial crisis, the Romanian energy has mainly the following major problems: Lack of a viable and sustainable energy strategy for long term; Modernisation of the equipment and installations; Liberalisation of the energy markets; Interconnection of networks; Ensuring the protections and the safety of the national energy system and of the afferent labour system.

To increase energy performance, save available resources and ensure a sustainable energy system solving these major problems specialists are needed. Energy managers with gain professionalism and competence can meet these challenges. This paper highlights the central role of key communication competence in the complex formation of energy managers and her need as a component for the specialist of 21st century.
