Communication Strategies for Innovation Diffusion of New Green Fertilizer Technology


Profusion of initiatives by the Malaysian government have been put forth in the development of agriculture in Malaysia since 1970s such as establishment of the integrated authorities like MADA, KADA and IADA. Generally, the main objective of these initiatives is to boost yield and productivity. Most of the innovative and breakthrough cultivation technologies are invented by research institutions like higher learning institutions and MARDI. Even though MARDI and the Agriculture Department have extension officers to help diffusion and technology transfer, there is a need to have strategic communication moves to reach out to the farmers. While most local farmers are enthusiastic to learn about new technologies, only a certain number of them are able to get access to the knowledge. This is the scenario for especially small holder paddy farmers. The study hence was conducted to investigate the challenges that are faced in innovation diffusion effort of new green technology specifically on biological urea fertilizer.