Communication Using Celebrities in the Non-Profit Sector: Case Study of BAZNAS


The use of celebrities to alert people about social causes is currently a popular marketing technique used by non-profit organization, and philantrophy becoming a trend for the younger generation gave the spotlight for non-profit organizations to do social campaigns, especially campaigns using celebrity. Therefore, this research intent is to know how effective communication using celebrities in the non-profit sector. This research discusses about Celebrity Credibility, Entity Credibility, Attitude Towards Ad, Behavioural Intentions, Perceived Fit, General Fit, Motivation Attribution, Attitude Towards Celebrity being used in communication using celebrities. Structural Equation Modelling using Lisrel 8.8 was used to analyze the effectiveness of communication using celebrity in the non-profit sector. The research result shows that Attitude Towards Ad and Entity Credibility influences Behavioural Intentions, Entity Credibility and Celebrity Credibility influences Attitude Towards Ad, Motivation Attribution along with Perceived Fit influences Celebrity Credibility, Perceived Fit influences Motivation Attribution, and Perceived Fit is being influenced by Attitude Towards Celebrity and General Fit.