Community Participation In Jayapura Process Development


Community participation in every process of public policy making is essential as the mirror principle of democracy in a country. This becomes particularly appropriate when community participation later became one of the principles which must be implemented by the government in efforts to achieve good governance (good governance). The importance of participation and participation of community that is given is supporting the success of the program that is given by the Road Infrastructure Development pemerintah.Program Jayapura city aims for the welfare of society in order to access the community in activities could be easier that way initially not deserve to be passed during the rainy season because The expected participation of the community to solve the existing problems in the village. This research is an explanatory research with the approach used is a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in the city of Jayapura. Data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires to 80 respondents. The results showed that community participation in the planning stages, expediency and evaluation is good. Community participation in the implementation of the program of Jayapura city government is determined from the level of community involvement in the planning stages.